The project includes the construction of 5 stages of Estate 1 residential subdivision, two water reservoirs with pumping station and bulk water reticulation, a sewer pumping station, 2.1km entry road, concrete roundabouts and 44m twin span bridge over Jerrabomberra Creek.
- Environmental protection measures
- Clearing and grubbing
- Earthworks
- Stormwater and subsoil drainage
- Sewer and water infrastructure and reticulation
- Gas, electrical and communications conduit
- Temporary and permanent pavements
- Street lighting
- Landscaping
- Temporary traffic management
- Bridge construction
- Quality assurance testing and reporting
Special Features
Concrete pavements and structures including two steel fibre reinforced concrete roundabouts, over 1,500m2 of box culvert structures and 34 large reinforced concrete stormwater structures.
Construction of new bridge over Jerrabomberra Creek. The bridge is a twin span Super-T structure with insitu deck slab a total of 44 metres in length, with abutments and central pier seated on piled foundations. The surrounding creek area has been revitalised with pedestrian accesses, rock lining and landscaping.
Sewer and water infrastructure including constructing sewer pump station with eight metre deep pump well and two potable water reservoirs at 1.25 megalitres and 1.45 megalitres supplied with five kilometres of bulk water rising mains.

Water Infrastructure
The project included the delivery of water infrastructure to supply all areas of the new development. The scope was typically inclusive of the following:
- Civil Works
- Offtake pit connection and water gravity main
- Low level reservoir (1.25Ml) with booster pump room
- High Level Reservoir (1.45Ml) with photovoltaic power supply system
- Testing and commissioning
- WAE drawings, asset registers and operation and maintenance manuals
Sewerage Infrastructure
The project included delivery of sewerage infrastructure for the new development, typically inclusive of the following:
- Civil and landscaping works
- Sewer pumping station with 8m deep pump well and 425kL emergency storage tank
- Sewage gravity main to sewage pumping station
- Sewage rising mains
- Maintenance holes connecting sewage gravity main and sewage rising main
- Testing and commissioning.
- WAE drawings, asset registers and operation and maintenance manuals
Stages Completed
- Stage 1A subdivision
- Stage 1B1/2 subdivision
- Stage 1C
- Stage 1D
- Stage 1E
- Stage 1F
- Stage 1H and Stage 1H Road
- Town Park Bulk Earthworks and Access Road
- Sewer pump station
- Low level reservoir and pump room
- Northern entry Road
- Bridge over Jerrabomberra Creek